1. Sit-ups and crunches
Sit-ups and crunches are very common, but unfortunately very harmful exercises after giving birth especially with abdominal separation (Diastasis recti/Rectus diastasis). These exercises are not good for your pelvic floor and spine, even if your abdominals are healthy.
2. Wide/deep squats
Doing wide and / or deep squats (wider than hips, deeper than horizontal) are never good for your pelvic floor, but in a postpartum stage it can cause irreversible injuries and can have a life-long effect on the overloaded/injured pelvis. The pubis is also sensitive and vulnerable, so we need to be very careful. Please, do not hold weight (even your baby) during wide squats!
3. High intensity exercises
High intensity workout is a very good and effective way of keeping your body toned and healthy – after having your abs and pelvis regenerated and healed. But not until that point. Why?
During the postpartum period (and breastfeeding) the hormones are very intensive and, as a result, the joints and muscles (including the pelvic floor muscles) are very vulnerable and the healing of the abs takes more time.
When you are feeling ready for HIIT, please add pelvic floor exercises to your workout.
4. Exercises making your wrist band

The wrist is a very fragile point in your body. We always try to avoid straining it, however, it should be strained - this is how you can strengthen it, even if it hurts a bit. But not after giving birth!
As a result of the aforementioned hormone-affect pain is not the sign of getting into a better condition. Try these exercises after your hormones are back to its normal way (typically the end of breastfeeding).
5. Abs stretch

Your abs are stretched during pregnancy and a muscle already stretched should not be strained further but the aim is to get its normal shape and size back.
If you make abs stretch during postpartum it will delay the regeneration and can cause injuries.
These are the most common mistakes during postpartum workout but there are many more little things to take into consideration before starting an exercise, workout program.
We all would like to get in shape after giving birth as soon as possible, but if we do not do it in a safe way, respecting the changes in our body, we can cause life-long injuries we have to live together with for 30-40 more years.
Find exercises and workout programs, which include post-natal factors or get a trainer with specific postnatal knowledge/qualification.
Your health, body functions and quality of life depends on it.
Original article:
Pre- and Postnatal Fitness Specialist (AFPA)
Country Leader of Kangatraining Hungary
RTM - Rectus Training Method Founder
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