How to check your tummy - do you have Diastasis Recti?

Lie on your back with straight knees Put your fingers the line of your belly buttons, and lift your head lightly. Carefully try to find a "gap" around your bellybutton. If you find a wide separation than turn your fingers crosswise and examine how big and how deep is the distance between the two muscles. Slide your fingers towards your pelvis and your head as well to know how long did your Diastasis Recti develop. If a few inches under/above your bellybutton you feel a gap wider than 2cm/1inch then by all means you need to do special exercises. Do not push back any navel hernia! Original text: Renáta Tőkés Fitness trainer, Pre- and Postnatal Fitness Specialist (AFPA) Country Leader of Kangatraining Hungary RTM - Rectus Training Method Founder https://www.facebook.c...